Live Course Content Outline
The Program
Part 1: Week 1 - Week 5
Week 1
Session 1: Introduction to Programming and C# Basics
Overview of programming and the C#/.NET ecosystem
Setting up the development environment
Basic syntax, structure, and a "Hello, World!" program
Session 2: Data Types and Variables
Explore C# data types and variables
Simple assignments to practice data handling
Week 2
Session 3: Control Structures
Conditional statements (if, else if, switch)
Small exercises on conditional logic
Session 4: Loops and Arrays
Loops (for, while, do-while)
Introduction to arrays and collections
Simple program with loops (e.g., number guessing game)
Week 3
Session 5: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and objects
Encapsulation and constructors
Session 6: Advanced OOP Concepts
Inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, and abstract classes
Small console app with OOP (e.g., shopping cart)
Week 4
Session 7: Exception Handling and Debugging
Exception handling with try-catch-finally
Debugging techniques and tools
Session 8: Collections and LINQ
Overview of collections (List, Dictionary, etc.)
Basic LINQ queries
Week 5
Session 9: Introduction to .NET and MVC Architecture
Overview of .NET and MVC concepts
Set up a simple MVC project
Session 10: Building a Simple ASP.NET Core Web Application
Routing, middleware, and creating basic views with Razor
Part 2: Week 6 - Week 10
Week 6
Session 11: Database Introduction and Entity Framework Basics
Database concepts and SQL basics
Set up Entity Framework in an ASP.NET Core project
Session 12: CRUD Operations with Entity Framework
Perform CRUD operations in a simple application (e.g., to-do list app)
Week 7
Session 13: Version Control with Git Basics
Introduction to Git (commits, branching, merging)
Setting up GitHub and basic collaboration workflows
Session 14: Version Control in Practice
Create a Git repository for a course project
Practice branching and merging
Week 8
Session 15: Advanced ASP.NET Core Concepts
Middleware, authentication basics, and configuration
Session 16: Project Planning and Setup
Start planning the final project (inventory system, blog platform, etc.)
Set up the project structure and assign initial tasks
Week 9
Session 17: Final Project Development
Work on the main project features: MVC setup, database integration, basic UI
Session 18: Project Checkpoint and Feedback
Review progress, get feedback, troubleshoot issues
Week 10
Session 19: Final Project Development (Continued)
Continue developing and refining the final project, implementing additional features
Session 20: Project Presentation and Wrap-Up
Present the project
Recap of course learnings, Q&A, and guidance for next steps
Additional Notes
Resources Provided: Cheat sheets, links to official documentation, sample code snippets
Q&A Sessions: Regular sessions to address common questions and reinforce learning
Feedback and Evaluation: Provide personalized feedback on assignments and projects to help students improve